Saturday, December 7, 2013

Crapi si Coioti pe fluviul St Lawrence

Dupa un Aprilie rece si ploios ,in care iesirile la pescuit ,i-mi aminteau de sfirsitul sezonului trecut ,in sfirsit Mai a venit cu temperaturi mai normale .

Pentru noi ,aici in partea de est a Canadei ,temperaturi normale ,la inceput de mai inseamna plus 14-16 grade ziua ,noaptea ,6-8 grade ,asta in mod normal ,poti avea si surpriza unei furtuni de zapada ,cu depuneri de 15-20 cm .Urmarind situatia meteo pentru saptamina in curs ,am fost placut surprins sa observ ca sfirsitul de saptamina se anunta frumos ,cu temperaturi de 18-20 C. ,si vint foarte slab. Cu degetele incrucisate si cu mari rugaminti celui de sus ,sa ramina asa ,am inceput pregatirile pentru prima iesire de 36 de ore .

Locul pe care urma sa merg se afla in Ontario si se numeste Long Sault .Este un golf imens pe fluviul St Lawrence ,care seamana foarte mult cu un lac .Apa are o adincime de 1,5-2,2 m fara agataturi ,doar ceva locuri cu ramasite de ceva bradis din sezonul trecut ,fundul apei fiind nisipos .In perioada de reproductie ,aici vin mii de crapi sa depuna icrele ,marginea apei fiind plina de trestii si boscheti mici .

Simbata dimineata ma gaseste pe locul meu favorit ,in speranta unor capturi memorabile .Fac o nadire rapida ,pe doua zone ,una aproape , la 40m. ,a doua la 90-100 m. Monturile sint identice ,pop ups de 15 mm. de ananas de la Nash ,linga momitoare pe care am pus un method mix . Timpul trece si trasaturile se lasa asteptate ,stiu din experienta partidelor trecute ca pestele intra pe aceasta zona in general dupa amiaza .

Ridic tabara ,deoarece voi ramine aici pina Duminica la prinz ,pun cortul ,patul cu nelipsitul sac de dormit si restul lucrurilor necesare unei astfel de iesiri .

Prima trasatura vine pe la ora 16 ,un ciortan de 6-7 kg ,pe care il eliberez direct din mincioc .Apoi in urmatoarele ore ,nimic , spre seara incep sa fac o nadire mai serioasa , in speranta ca pestii ma vor vizita pe timpul noptii .Mentionez ca la fiecare ora am scos si aruncat lansetele ,astfel patul de nada mentininduse .

Pentru perioada noptii ,la lanseta de distanta ,schimb pop upul cu o montura snow man cu bile Meteor de 20 si 15 ,pe lanseta de aproape mergind tot pe pop up .Timpul trece ,senzorii ramin tacuti ,incropesc o cina stropita cu 1-2 beri , apoi intru in cort incercind sa citesc ,dar se pare ca oboseala i-si spune cuvintul si sting e-bookul , mos Ene fiind mai puternic .Undeva pe la ora 1 am. ma trezesc brusc intr-un cor de urlete care veneau de la 8-900 de m. undeva in stinga mea ,unde este o padurice. Instantaneu parul de pe ceafa mi se face la fel cu al celor care ma sculasera din somn ,dar al meu cu diferenta ca statea in sus cam de frica .Dupa urlete am inteles ca ar fi ca la 6-8 coioti ,in primele secunde ,nu prea stiam in ce directie sa o iau si nici ce exact sa fac .Am aprins toate lanternele avute la dispozitie si le-am indreptat spre zona de unde se auzeau urletele ,scotind si un pichet mai lung de la cort ca arma de aparare .Ma retrag pe marginea apei , cu gindul , ca in cazul unui atac ,sa ma refugiez in apa ,in speranta ca amicii mei nu sint iubitori de apa .Se pare ca lumina lanternelor i-si face efectul ,urletele inceteaza ,iar eu ma mai linistesc putin .Si ca bairamul sa fie complet ,am o trasatura polizor pe lanseta de larg ,care aproape ma face sa sar in apa ,intep si incep o lupta cu un peste care se pare a nu fi un ciortan ,sta pe directia pe care a luat-o si nu vrea cu nici un chip sa se intoarca ,cu toata opozitia pe care o pun ,intr-un sfirsit ,reusesc sa il intorc ,si incet ,incet il aduc la mal .In tot acest timp ,drilul a fost facut mai mult intors spre mal ,cu ochii cit cepele spre locul ,unde mai devreme ,corul madrigal i-si incetase reprezentatia . In sfirsit pestele intra in mincioc ,il aduc pe mal ,si repede cu el la cintar ,un frumos crap comun de 14 kg. Il eliberez ,cu speranta ca ai mai batrini din familia lui vor veni sa ma viziteze .

Se pare ca urletele coiotilor m-au speriat numai pe mine ,crapii intrind pe zona din fata mea ,pina dimineata am mai pus pe saltea 8 bucati ,cu greutati intre 8 si 13 kg.

Dimineata ma gaseste treaz , cu o bine meritata cafea. Cred si fara atacul crapilor ,nu as mai fi putut dormi ,de frica unui alt atac...

Pina la sfirsitul partidei mai prind 6 crapi ,cel mai mare de 16,7 kg. ,plus un crap oglinda ,foarte rari aici la noi . Inchei partida cu 15 pesti prinsi ,din 15 trasaturi avute ,cel mai mare de aproape 17 kg. ,plus bonus un crap oglinda foarte rar pe apele noastre .

Ceea ce este sigur ,dupa aceasta partida ,nu voi mai veni singur pe aceasta zona .

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Meet carp Romania awards 2013

Same times the luck is playng nice on our lives ,this happened to my ,this summer .August every year is vacation time ,2013 was no different ,I went with my family in a European trip -Greece ,Bulgaria ,Romania .We had a fantastic time ,good food and atmosphere .So you are asking haw the luck play on this story ,well, on my last week in Romania ,I went to the famous lake Tincabesti ,and find out that in 2 days a big international competition will start ,on the participants Frank Warwick ,Rob Hughes ,Nitu Ion ,and a lot of very good Romanian anglers .
So a day after the competition start ,I went and spent a day at Tincabesti ,seeing on action the biggest names on carp fishing .A big thank you to Silviu Florescu who was my guide and facilitate the access to the site .
The fishing was slow at the time I was there ,due to very hot temperatures ,35-36 C. , most of the caches come during the night .But for me was great to see the set ups ,and change same in formations and ideas with the big names .
Was nice to see that CCMOORE is one of the sponsors , same of the fish come on Meteor boilies .
The winners of the competition - Adel Abbara-Ali Motaz-Marian Constantin .
Same of the pictures are from Crapmania site .



Saturday, July 6, 2013

CCMoore Meteor on St Lawrence river

                                                  CCMoore- Meteor boiles - they will like it ?
Fishing with boilies in a new area of the St Lawrence river is a big challenge ,most of the times ,the anglers in the area, are using birdfood base , fruits flavor boilies with same good results . I decide to give a try to CCMoore -Meteor boilies ,in Europe this bait have a solid reputation ,with a lot of very big fish been caught . The big question was ,this bait will bring in the big uns ,or with the meaty ,spicy flavor ,catfish will clean them .
I chose a area where I now that catfish is present in small numbers ,with the hope they will stay away .For two weeks I bait two spots ,in the beginning with a mix of partiblend and half Meteor boilies ,and in the end just with Meteor boilies .
Time come to see the results of my baiting campaign ,having a morning free ,I pick up one of my friends ,and went for the spot .We put out a half kilo 15 mm. Meteor ,set up two rods ,one of them with a snowman 10 mm.pop up and 15 mm. bottom Meteor ,second with a CCMoore Secret Obssesion pop up .
We decide to fish just a few hours ,from 5,30 to 11 AM . The first hour go ,with no runs ,a few fish show up ,but in area 2-300 m. from where our baits are. Soon after ,the rod with the Secret Obssesion pop up go away ,and at list we have a run .10 min. of battle and a 18 pd-er see my net ,release fast , re bait the rod ,and back it went .Not long after this ,the left rod ,the one with Meteor ,go away ,a nice 22 pd. come to sey hello .We change right away the rod with Secret Obssesion to Meteor snowman ,next four hours see 12 runs ,with fish from 18 to 26 pd . Excellent result with a new bait ,in a new spot .What make me really happy ,no catfish come to our baits . CCMoore Meteor is a rapid results bait ,and I can-t wait till next weekend for another try .

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CCMoore -Meteor ,Northern Specials ,Secret Obssesion

                                                            New baits- old dreams
Starting the 2013 season was a constant wait for something ,from baits to decent weather ,to free time from work and family obligation .Finally the shipment from CCMoore arrive ,the weather make a turn to normality ,and at work I have two weeks with an easy schedule .
Make same preparation for a 36 hours of testing new baits CCMoore -Meteor and the all ready famous range of pop ups -Secret Obsession and Northern Specials .Hit the rod Monday morning ,direction Long Sault on the majestic St.Lawrence river .The area that I want to fish is in a very big bay ,looks more like a big lake , 1,8 to 2,2 m the depth ,patches of weeds and sandy bottom .After a 30-40 min. of feature finding with the marker ,I settle for two areas ,one in 2m. of water ,close to a weed bed and same snags ,70 m distance ,second, close in 40 m , in 1,8 m depth on a small plateau .Start baiting the two areas with a mix of boilies Meteor and a mix of pellets -Meteor ,hemp ,csl .On the plateau i put a pop up rig with a Secret Obsession ,and at long range a snowman -Meteor topped with Northern Specials . Pour a coffee and start the waiting game .The water is still cold for this time of year ,just 14 C. ,and no singht of movement .I new that on this bay , the fish will start showing just after noon .By 14 PM. come the first take ,on the long range rod ,a nice 14 pd-er common . Till the night had 5 more takes with fish 15 to 22 pd ,most on the long range rod .By 11,30 I take the rods out ,and went for a few hours of sleep .4 o-clock in the morning ,the rods in, and a few spombs of baits out went . Till noon I had 8 more takes ,the biggest 32 pd-er ,plus a bonus of a 15 pd. mirror .For St.Lawrence is very rare to catch mirrors ,last year in the all season I had just one . The big fish come on the close in rod CCMoore -Secret Obsession pop up .Very good session ,looking forward for the next one .

Monday, May 20, 2013

CCMoore is more, must be change to, CCMoore is more and fast

Well , things happening when you do not expect them .I went today in the morning to map a new area that I want to fish in mid summer .Is a deep 4,5 to 5 m channel with big fish in ,but a bit difficult ,from June on is full of weeds . I have a new sonar that help finding the spots ,and in the 2-3 hours of mapping the area ,I put in a rod with a live system pop up and a small bag of pellets . In the next 30-40 min. the mapping goes very well ,the sonar gives me 3 very interesting spots ,two plateau of 3,7 m in a 5 m deep ,and a hole of 5,6 m . I did not pay to much attention on the rod ,deep water ,and cold 12 C. ,did not give me hope for a run. But the unexpected happen ,a fast run put me in a battle with a carp After a few minutes slip the net on a beautiful 16 pd-er .Look like the live system boilies and pellets did a very good job .I stay for 40 minute more, to finish the map ,in this time had one more run with a 14 pd-er .What is funny , the sonar show just 3-4 fish in this area ,and 2 of them come to the live system boilies .I can-t wait till next weekend to have a proper session with big expectations from live system .So CCMoore , for me is fast and more .

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Carp fishing conference -Montreal 2013

    The two big carp fishing associations in Montreal,Carp Quebec and Les Pecheures urbaine ,come together and organize the first fishing conference for 2013 .
We have a good response ,18 anglers show up for 3 hours of information and technique in carp fishing .
Many thanks to Carp Kit and CCMoore for the courtesies of sending same bait samples .
We start with basic information on types of carp ,where they live ,what they eat .Then move on to localisation in specific areas ,mostly on rivers ,this is the most common areas we fish .
From this we go to tackle ,simple rigs ,set ups with different leads ,mono ,lead core . Basic information on different rods and reels ,with presentation of different models .
Then we move on baits ,and show different types of boilies mixes ,method mix , pellets ,boilies ,particles ,plastic baits .
On the end we answer questions from all the participants .
The interest for carp fishing is growing very good ,with a lot of new anglers coming to the sport .Our big problem is a lack of tackle and bait in Montreal area ,the single way of buing this, is by ordering on line from Carp Kit ,or USA and UK based shops .
With the big numbers of carp anglers on our area , is hope for a tackle shop with good bait and tackle .
With the big interest show after the first conference ,we decide to do a second one ,in a bigger location ,where we can accommodate 40 to 50 persons .

On the second conference we will go deeper on types of bait ,baiting techniques ,watercraft and tackle .